The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 22 - Lucien Come Back

"Didn\'t we just separate? Why the hell are you back so soon?" Syryn side eyed Vincent.

"The store was right next door so I got the ore you wanted. After that, Salem and I had nothing more to do so we came here to buy some herbs." Vincent explained to Syryn. "It cost me an arm and a leg but I suppose it\'s worth it for the medicine you gave me." The golden eyed anti mage held out a small silk pouch to him.

"Siren, the next time you make that stuff, I\'d like to buy more of it."

Syryn pocketed the pouch with a nod and turned to the blonde anti mage. "Rowan, I\'ll send you the potions you need every week. Make transport arrangements. My charges are the same as Salem\'s."

A slight smile appeared on Rowan\'s face. He nodded to Syryn. "Thank you." Rowan\'s shoulders felt lighter, a cumbersome burden lifted.

Syryn returned to Alka\'s treehouse with a big bag full of medicinal plants. The others were still out so it gave him time to make a potion. The rare sprite ore stashed inside his satchel would be used for phase 2 of the treatment. For now, the medicinal potion would aid Syryn in fixing Lucien\'s troubles.

When he was done, the resulting potion was a light soupy green liquid bubbling inside the cauldron. It filled Alka\'s workroom with the intense smell of Jewelled ficus extract. Syryn\'s fingers were also stained a bright yellow that came from the chopping of herbs. Catching sight of how stained his nails were, Syryn wiped his hands on the apron he was wearing, courtesy of Alka.

"Syryn we\'re back." Lucien stood at the door with his arms full of berries the size of chicken eggs. A single rebellious purple berry fell out of the pile and rolled to Syryn\'s feet. Picking it up, Syryn placed it back on the stack in Lucien\'s arms.

"Luci, we\'re going to fix a small part of your core today." He sat on his haunches and looked into Lucien\'s red eyes. "Are you ready?" The boy nodded slowly.

"Can we do it now?"

"Do what?" Magnus stuck his head inside the room. His head was a thick mess of windblown hair. Nevertheless, it did nothing to detract from his good looks.

"Fix Luci\'s core. It\'s.. got a problem." Syryn raised his gaze to meet Magnus\'. The fire mage had been nothing but gracious to Syryn, often substituting for him when Lucien needed company. Syryn could already see a budding bond being forged between the two. It was a good thing too because Lucien needed positive role models.

Magnus folded his arms and leaned on the doorframe, face blank. "It\'s not my place to question you but this has been bothering me for a while now. Pardon my rudeness but what exactly happened to Lucien to have killed his ability to use his powers?"

Syryn stood back on his feet and glanced at the mage who was still staring at him. "I rescued Luci from a slaving caravan. The damage was already done when I met him." The rest of Lucien\'s story was his to tell.

Magnus blinked down at Lucien. It was hard to say what he was thinking. "I won\'t disturb you then. Luci, give those berries to me."

Lucien had gone stiff when Syryn mentioned their experience. Noticing the boy withdrawing, Magnus cupped Lucien\'s face with a palm and smiled at the kid. He gently brushed a thumb over a soft cheek to comfort the child. "Luci, I\'ll be waiting for you. Get your core back on and show me what nature of magic lies inside you. Yes?"

Watching Magnus\' interaction with Lucien made Syryn\'s heart swell with something warm.

"How long will it take?" Alka stood by the door where Magnus had been. His green eyes were fraught with worry that he did not express.

"Not more than half an hour, that is... If Luci can fight the discomfort." Unbearable pain, discomfort, it was the same thing if Syryn pretended hard enough.

"Luci, we\'ll be right outside." Magnus threw one last worried glance towards Syryn before he shut the door.

Lucien\'s small fingers were wrapped around the phial of green liquid. He squeezed his eyes shut and tipped the entire thing into his mouth. Syryn watched the boy\'s throat bob, swallowing the potion without a drop wasted.

"Good boy. Come here, Luci." Syryn held Lucien who was sat between the older boy\'s legs. Syryn waited for the potion to take its course. He rested his chin on Lucien\'s shoulder and wrapped his arms around the little boy.

"Tell me when it starts to hurt Luci." His voice was a whisper next to Lucien\'s ear. Lucien\'s nod sent fine red hair tickling Syryn\'s cheek. Time passed by without a single peep or sound out of Lucien. It was after the passage of many minutes that Syryn began to worry.


There was no response. Syryn turned Lucien around to face him and saw the way his eyes had glazed over. "I\'m okay, Syryn." His voice was weak and strangled.

Syryn could do nothing for the pain. Luci had to stay awake for this. "I\'m going to look inside you Luci, don\'t resist me. This will be over soon."

Syryn pressed his fingers to Luci\'s temples and began an exploration. The core was heating up, becoming active from the effects of the potion. Syryn\'s task now included keeping the core stable while it mended itself. He poured all his powers into Luci and observed.

The broken paths, spider web cracks and collapsed mana veins were slowly knitting together and healing. The dormant core sparked with its first flush of foreign mana and it wasn\'t rejected. A sigh of relief. Syryn checked on Lucien who was beginning to exhibit signs of a fever. His skin was turning a rosy pink and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

No child should have been able to sit through the process without crying out in pain or thrashing about. Lucien\'s lack of reaction aided Syryn\'s work but it was detrimental to himself and indicated a problem that went deeper than his physical brokenness.

His core was halfway fixed and absorbing Syryn\'s mana with an overwhelming hunger. In his attempt to repair the core, a strange occurrence began to take place. Lucien\'s core bled out its natural affinities and slowly took on Syryn\'s colours. Never in his previous life did Syryn witness such a phenomenon.

"Sy-syrn hurts!" Lucien stammered through breathless gasps. His skin had gone completely hot to the touch! "Uhhh.." Lucien\'s high pitched cry sent a flash of panic through Syryn. Why was this happening? He had done exactly as the texts had instructed!

Lucien\'s core was partially fixed enough to let his mana circulate in small amounts. His physical body was also fine, so where was the problem?! Syryn desperately focused his attention on the seal on Lucien\'s demonic channel. It was broken! Lucien\'s condition was a result of demonic energy leaking out in faint amounts. But how did the seal break? Syryn had prevented his mana from straying anywhere close to Lucien\'s demonic channel.

The boy in his arms burnt hot like a furnace. His eyes were wet with unshed tears. Lucien let out a sob and gasped one last time before closing his eyes and going limp in Syryn\'s arms.

Syryn held Lucien, shock momentarily stunning him into inertness. The feeling of cold terror curdled in the pits of his stomach. Lucien was no longer breathing.

"No, no no no! Lucien come back!" Syryn\'s heart was thudding a mile per minute. He pressed a hand to the boy\'s chest and felt the faintest sign of a heartbeat. It thumped slow and weak, a heartbeat nevertheless. Syryn reached out for his satchel when Lucien\'s arm gripped his like a vice.

It was a slow revelation to Syryn. He should have paid attention to the warning signs but he had been so distracted with worry. He should have noticed that something was wrong, very wrong. So wrong that it paralysed Syryn\'s arms. The hair on the back of his neck stood, sent goosebumps prickling down his skin. Syryn sat still as a statue and prepared himself for whatever his senses were warning him about.

After what felt like an eternity, Lucien finally made a move. His beautiful eyes came awake, red as blood, and Lucien smiled at Syryn.

"Hello Syryn Nigh\'hart, it\'s a pleasure to see you again."

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