The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 519 TELL ME HONESTLY...

Chapter 519 TELL ME HONESTLY...

"WHY not let Snow audition for the role?" Astrid suggested.

He did not only say that because the other was his friend. He truly believed that Snow\'s image fit the role. Although the role\'s screen time was not that long, his impact to the story as a whole was enormous. In simple terms, it\'s like his role in [The Sleeping God].

He wouldn\'t suggest it if he didn\'t have confidence with Snow\'s acting ability. If the other was given the chance to audition for the role, he\'s confident that he would nail it. At least, he was certain that Snow would do his best to get the role.

Ellis was silent for a moment, seemingly pondering over Astrid\'s suggestion. "I\'ll talk to his agent and discuss it."

Astrid nodded. That was almost a confirmation. This was a good opportunity for a rookie actor. A good agent would never pass that up. Not to mention, Snow would definitely agree to audition. Now, there was only one problem left.

"Will Director Hale hold an audition for that role, though?" he asked.

All of this planning wouldn\'t mean much if there wouldn\'t be any audition. Since [Serendipitous Summer] was originally a novel, the original author had a huge say on the casting.

Of course, there were also times when original authors weren\'t given that much opportunity to spread their influence in the film production. This situation often happened when the decision making was in the hands of investors or executive producers.

But that wasn\'t the case in this situation.

Him getting the role of \'Jace\' was enough evidence of that. The major reason he got this role in the first place was because the original author, One Leaf, thought that he suited the image of that character the best.

For that matter, he was sure that One Leaf also had a solid image in her heart of what her other characters should look like in real life. Maybe she also had suggested other actors and actresses for the roles of those characters. The acting and interpretation of some could have passed both Director Hale and One Leaf\'s standard, and some might have not. Maybe the role of Abby\'s older brother was the latter.

If so, then holding an audition would be the next step. It\'s the best way to solve the problem.

"I believe she would," Ellis said, answering his question. "Since there isn\'t really much time left before the scheduled start of production, the audition would probably be held within the next two weeks. It will probably not just be for that particular role, but also for the other roles that haven\'t been cast yet."

Some might say that the time was too short, actors who wanted to audition would have less time to prepare. Therefore, the number of actors auditioning wouldn\'t be that many. But Ellis didn\'t think so.

The IP was huge enough that there\'s no way actors wouldn\'t be interested in auditioning. Especially those who were only starting out their career, or even those who were still looking for a way to get their name out there.

"Were most of the major roles been cast?" Astrid asked.

"Most of the important ones. Like Abby\'s role," Ellis answered. "She\'s going to be played by Charlotte Anderson."

Astrid scoured his memory, searching if he had watched anything played by the mentioned actress. But a minuted had passed and he still couldn\'t think of anything. Ellis seemed to have read what he\'s thinking because she added;

"She\'s a rookie that also debuted this year. Probably just two months earlier than you. She had been appearing in TV shows since her debut, some as an extra, mostly as a guest of the week kind of thing. One Leaf apparently saw one of the shows she appeared and she liked Charlotte Anderson\'s acting and energy. I guessed Director Hale agreed with One Leaf since the role went to Charlotte."

Constantly appearing in TV shows like that, not even caring if their role was just an extra, meant that the other had ambition and drive. That\'s a good trait in an actor. If one wanted to succeed in this line of work, they at least have to want it. Astrid was relieved after hearing that.

Since he would be working closely with this Charlotte Anderson, he\'d rather work with someone dedicated and enthusiastic than someone lazy. At least he\'s sure that the other would not be that bad at acting. But he should probably still watch the shows she appeared in just to check and make sure.

"I hope we\'ll get along," he said.

Since [Serendipitous Summer] was technically a youthful love drama, it would be bad if the two of them didn\'t even have a shred of chemistry.

"I have looked into her after I found out she would be playing Abby. There\'s no negative rumors about her so far. So, the two of you would probably get along well enough," Ellis assured him.

"I sure hope so."

Because it would be pretty damn hard to develop a chemistry with someone who you disliked and vice versa.

"By the way, is... is the prince still in your apartment building?" Ellis asked tentatively after a while.

"Yes, he is."

After hearing that, Ellis looked like she wanted to say something, but didn\'t know how, so she ended up not saying anything at all.

Astrid smiled helplessly and helped out the other. Because he already had an idea of what Ellis wanted to say. "He hasn\'t yet done anything to jeopardize my career, if that\'s what Sister Ellis is worried about. And I have confidence that Wulf wouldn\'t do anything of the sort in the future."

Ellis still couldn\'t get used to that familiar way Astrid addressed the prince. Even the other\'s seemingly unfounded confidence felt too surreal.

The reason she called him here was actually not only to talk about [Serendipitous Summer] but also to ask him about something she wasn\'t able to ask the last time because of all the other things that occupied her mind.

"Astrid, tell me honestly, do you like the prince the same way he likes you?"

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