The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 507 EPISODE 7 (II)

In a gentle tone, Luan said, "My child, a mother\'s love knows no bounds. Our mighty god also understood this. No matter what action you took, if it\'s for your children, our god will definitely not forsake you."

The woman\'s sob stopped. "The mighty god won\'t forsake me no matter what I do?"

"If it\'s for the sake of your children, I assure you, he won\'t. Our god is understanding and full of love for his children. But he was also righteous. He condemns evil. Any forms of evil."

Luan paused before continuing in his gentle voice.

"To be rid of evil in this land is our god\'s greatest wish."

The woman went silent for a while. Then, she started muttering, "Right... right... god will not forsake me if I get rid of evil. I shall do that, yes." The woman raised her head and looked through the screen, as if trying to see the face of the priest on the other side. "Thank you, Father, for giving me enlightenment."

Luan smiled and his voice still remained gentle. "I\'m happy to help any way I can, as god commands me."

After the woman finished thanking him, Luan watched her as she left the confessional.

He gazed down, and the gentle smile on his face slowly disappeared. The light in his eyes started to turn darker and darker, as if a whirlpool of darkness was swirling in them. And in a low voice, devoid of any gentleness, he said;

"Yes, all evil must be vanquished."


After episode seven of [The Great War] aired, it quickly became a trending topic on [Cyberspace]. Of course, this was not an unusual occurrence. Because of the already existing fandom from the original source material, every episode of [The Great War] had always trended.

[Have you seen the latest episode of <The Great War>? It\'s amazing as usual. I\'m glad the quality hasn\'t dropped. I hope they continue on like this until the last episode.]

[I really enjoyed the interaction between Miguel and Yujin. It\'s like how I imagined Caesar and Oscar would interact. Now I\'m getting excited how it will be once Caesar and Luan finally meet again.]

[Speaking of Luan, isn\'t Astrid\'s acting in this episode great?]

- [I know, right? Especially on that last scene. It gave me goosebumps because of how creepy it was.]

- [It\'s like he was truly spreading the word of god instead of giving permission to kill.]

- [That\'s probably the first time I\'ve seen someone gently telling another person it\'s alright to kill another person.]

- [And he did it so subtly too! If I was that woman, I will truly believe every word he said.]

[I read the novel, so I already knew how Luan has a bit of a skewed sense of justice, but seeing it interpreted like this was nothing short of amazing.]

- [Luan in the novel always classifies people as either good or evil. There was no middle ground for him. So far, in the series, we have only seen him as a dedicated and kind priest. This was our first glimpse of his \'dark\' side, and Astrid did a good job in portraying that complexity.]

- [It showed that he really did his assignment. There\'s no way he could have acted like that if he didn\'t truly understand Luan\'s character.]

- [It\'s not just that. He\'s simply that good at acting.]

- [That scene is so creepy and brilliant at the same time.]

[This is the first show I\'ve watched with Astrid Townsend in it. I only saw him in the EMMA ad. I found him really pretty there and thought that his acting was okay, but I didn\'t think he would actually be this great.]

- [Aster is very talented. I can suggest some shows he had been in.]

There were a lot of these types of positive comments. But, of course, negative comments would also float around. Because trolls would be trolls.

[You call that great acting? He\'s just smiling and then not smiling. Does someone even need talent to do that?]

[LOL why are you all pandering over this Astrid guy?]

[Did Polaris pay someone to market this guy extensively? They\'re really portraying him as some kind of genius.]

Although there were some negative comments, the majority of comments were still very positive. But these negative comments summoned Astrid\'s number one fan.

@astridsnumber1fan: [Wasn\'t Aster just amazing in this episode? The way he delivered his lines and the way he acted in that scene was just chef\'s kiss. Anyone who says otherwise are either pretending to hate it just so they could be the troll that they are or they\'re simply stupid. Or maybe they\'re both. I don\'t really care. Because whatever they say, it won\'t change the fact that Aster is an amazing actor. He will just continue to improve more in the future until he becomes the best there is. And I will be here to witness that.]


That was the first comment Astrid read after the episode ended. Not because he immediately checked [Cyberspace], but because of the notification he received. A notification solely for posts or comments made by his number one fan.

After reading that, he subtly glanced at Wulfric. The other seemed to be looking at somewhere in front of him, obviously the screen of his Terminal. Which was most likely in private mode.

Astrid chuckled a bit, feeling both moved and amused. Really, this guy could be quite adorable sometimes.

"Wow. I think you can play quite the convincing psycho killer."

Reas\' comment pulled back Astrid\'s attention. He turned to his brother and said, "If there\'s a good script, maybe I will."

"I will take that into account," Ellis followed. But that scene was really good. Although she was there when it was filmed, watching the final product like this still had a different effect.

She then glanced at the prince. Well then, it\'s probably time for their talk now, wasn\'t it?


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