The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 108 - LAUREN WATTS (I)

LAUREN had come to the set of [The Sleeping God] much earlier than normal. Or at least normal for him. It\'s because his agent told him yesterday that the crew finally found the person playing the role of the god, Aether. 

Director Trevane had been so picky about that role that they were already nearing the end of filming and he still refused all the actors the casting director had brought. Even those brought by the major investor of this movie – Kaleido – were refused. So, this must mean that the person the director finally picked was the best of the best.

He was already imagining some famous actor who was at least in the top 20 of the Star List. But then he was informed that it was actually a newcomer. And one who\'s not part of any entertainment company. His curiosity was just raised to the highest level when he heard that. Because just what kind of newcomer could possibly catch the eye of that overly fastidious director?

He was scheduled to fly here today but he pestered his agent to let him travel here last night. But his agent disagreed because he just finished filming an advertisement. He needed to act a little more like a baby than usual for his agent to agree. He got his way and arrived at FS01 last night. But he arrived late and everyone was already resting.

So, instead, he just decided to go to the set early. He and that newcomer had a scene today. There was no doubt that they would meet. Luckily enough for him, before filming even started, he finally saw the person he was curious about.

Looking at the teenager in front of him, he was both astonished and charmed. He couldn\'t believe that he\'s seeing someone with both black eyes and hair. That was truly a very rare thing. 

Many had tried to dye their hair black just for the hype or even wear fake lenses that could change their eye color to black. But they were soon discovered as cheats. 

He didn\'t think that the teenager was the same as those people. Lauren could see that his features were all natural. He had a keen eye for that. Maybe because he was a huge face control. So, he knew what was fake and what was not. 

Lauren was delighted seeing such an attractive person. As he had mentioned, he was a huge face control. An attractive person could easily get his goodwill. Of course, not just any attractive person. They had to at least passed his own metric of beauty. And he must say that his standard was pretty high.

It actually got him into trouble a couple of times. It\'s either because of his poor judgment or his overly affectionate nature. 

The poor judgment part was him being unable to judge the character of some of the people he shared his goodwill to. They ended up taking advantage of him without him knowing until the very end. That part hadn\'t happened since he became part of Polaris. Mostly because his agent had made it his mission to not let him easily give his favor to these, as his agent often said, \'crooked\' people.

So, those scandals about him that disappeared as quickly as it appeared, was all because of him being too affectionate and probably even a bit touchy feely towards the past artists he had worked with. That part was indeed his fault.

Lauren could blame it on the way he was brought up. His family was full of affection towards one another. Skinship was one of the ways they expressed that affection. Growing up, he simply thought that it was the most natural of things. It\'s only after he left for the capital that he understood that that was not entirely the case. That their family was one of the few rare exceptions. But it\'s already too late. That habit had already been engraved in him. 

Combined that with his love for beautiful things and it was simply a disaster.

"You\'re so pretty!" 

Before he could say more, he just felt himself being pushed back and the black-haired teenager was now standing behind a tall young man with ice-blue hair.

Lauren was so surprised that he wasn\'t able to say anything for a few second. He just stared at the person frowning down at him. The other was good-looking. But it was just that kind of good-looking that was found everywhere. In short, there\'s nothing remotely special about his features. And yet, this commonly handsome young man made him nervous.

As if the other was ready to deck him if he so much as looked at the direction of the black-haired teenager. 

Then, he realized that this guy had been standing beside the teenager since earlier. He just didn\'t notice him immediately because all his focus was on the beautiful youth. 

Could this person be a bodyguard? He certainly couldn\'t be an agent since he\'s so young. Definitely not an assistant. Just look at that fierce face and muscled build. If that was the case, then the other must have thought that he was harassing his employer that\'s why he acted this way.

Understanding that, he got over his initial shock and smiled cordially. "Oh, my apologies, I\'m not some bad guy." 

"I doubt it."

Lauren was not offended by the young man\'s response and said good-naturedly, "My name is Lauren Watts. I\'m also a part of this movie."

Astrid gently pushed his brother to the side to face Lauren. 

"I\'m sorry, Mr. Watts. My brother was just being protective, as siblings should. He didn\'t mean anything offensive by his actions," he said with an apologetic smile on his face.

Lauren\'s eyes widened like a pair of saucers. "You\'re siblings? No way. You\'re too pretty to be this fierce guy\'s brother." Then as if realizing that he just said what was on his mind, his whole face slowly turned red in embarrassment. "I- I\'m sorry. That- it just slipped my tongue. I didn\'t mean anything by it."

Astrid stared at the man who wasn\'t that much older than them. He had an illusion that the other suddenly had a pair of dog ears on top of his head that were drooping right now to show his embarrassed mood. Just like a puppy.

And he couldn\'t help but chuckle at his own imagination. But that image just now was truly very apt for this guy.

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