I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 139 137. Jealous Twins

Chapter 139  137. Jealous Twins

They all know that the gods might have been alreatred which means the Devraj also knows about the birth of the new weapon, if not for the sudden unexpected surge of the terrible power, He would have been here with an army of gods.

This might not have been a wise move on his part as Rishi Durvasa is here, but one thing was clear they had to hide the fact Karna is the one who awakened this power from Indra.

Knowing him he does not look lightly on any being who has power or even the potential to surpass him, The reason why he also gets the Paranoid God title from Karna.

It\'s just while others were talking Gandhari was standing a little far away looking at the Karna still on the ground with worry. The moment she saw him fall like that she wanted to rush and pick him up.

But others beat her to it. She did not want to interfere in their work as she thought they knew more about this stuff and so they knew what to do with Karna but even after all this time they did not move Karna making her frustrated.

"Mata, How much longer will Mitra sleep on the ground like that?"

Duryodhana at some point was also exited out of the treasury and then he saw concerned Sushla wandering around the unconscious body of Karna, He had to drag her to their mothers to know about details what is happening here.

After knowing it he sticks around waiting to see where do they put Karna but even after a few moments there was no intention of them to make Karna move from that place.

So he couldn\'t help but ask his mother, Though those two ladies were trying but it seemed like the transparent barrier around Karna was not allowing them to approach him.

"I don\'t know, Let me check."

Gandhari seeing that others would not do anything to Karna decided to go and shift him herself, The only reason she was stopped herself doing so before was the fear of offending the sages and the belief they know what they are doing.

So she walked towards the Karna, Who was still surrounded by the transparent shield the little fox had created for Karna, For a second Gandhari stopped.

She has no idea what this thing is, she looked sideways at where the wives of sage were also searching for a way to break this shield but all their attempts were futile.

Seeing that Gandhari wanted to drop the idea of  thinking it is impossible to break the barrier surrounding Karna as even the devoted special people like wives of sage can\'t able to walk past it.


"Huh?! I-I passed through?"

Gandhari still not give up and decided to give a try, But to her surprise when she tried to touch the wall of the barrier, Her hand did not land on the surface of the barrier but rather it passed through it without any resistance at all.

Seeing that Gandhari with new confidence walked in with closed eyes and as expected she swiftly entered the barrier.

"Wait!? How did you get in? If you can get in then why are we being restricted?"

Chhaya, seeing how easily Gandhari walked in, felt glad and jealous at the same time.

Glad that now someone is able to get in the shield that stupid fox has created and jealous of why that person was not hers, She is also the mother of Karna.

Her heart too yearns to hold a piece of her heart in her arms, Love him, spoil him or at least be able to take care of him but sadly she is not can\'t even able to do the bare minimum that comes as default of being mother.

"Yes Queen, how did you do it? Can you teach us?"

Sandhya too shared the same emotions as Chhaya, She was eager to know the secret of how to enter this shield.

After all they don\'t know how long they will stay here but knowing bow important position all three of them share means not that long, So she wanted to share all the time she has with her son.

Though it will kill part of her little every time he call someone else his mother but she can handle that torture as the prize of doing so means she gets to have time with their son.

She wanted to know all about him, What he does not like, How his family treated him, did his mother taking care of him or not etc. She wanted to know everything to fill up the time she missed.

"Forgive me Devi but I have no idea how I did it, I just walked into it, Can you try doing that?"

Gandhari was not sure how to answer the excited pair of twins in front of her, so she just answered the truth. All she did was to walk over without any problem at all.

She answered them and walked to Karna, When her eyes landed on the white fox sleeping peacefully on Karna.

"Ohhh, So cute!!"

Like a mother like daughter, Gandhari reacted the same way her daughter did, She was overfilled by the cuteness of that fluffy being, She reached out to Karna.

While both twins heard all they had to do was to walk into it, they tried to do just that.


Unfortunately for them it was not the answer at all, All they did was to put a ripple on the wall of the barrier but the barrier itself has no concern about letting them enter.

Which once again repeated the old plot just this time Surya deva disguised as the Sage Aditya had to hold both of his wives back fearing they both would lose control.

"Hey stop jumping around, Just give me one hug that\'s all."

Inside the barrier fox was swiftly dodging the hands of Gandhari who wanted to hug her.

But who is this fox? She is the legendary nine-tail fox, That too from the noble pure blood making her royalty even in the fox clan, as all multiple-tail foxes, They only allow beautiful begins to touch them.

Gandhari in no way is not beautiful but Fox being together with Karna now used to his beauty making her see anyone less than him as ugly, Hence why no one else allowed to touch her.

But Gandhari is also not willing to give up that easily, She tried her best but sadly fox win and she with a sulking face came to Karna and picked him up, Who surprisingly has quite low weight then she expected.

After which she carried him towards the royal chambers, Both twins obviously followed her and so did Surya Deva and Rishi Durvasa as both wanted to know the intention of the messages who came to Hastinapur.


"Mata, Why are we still standing here? This shield looks weak, Why don\'t I break it?"

In the outskirts of the Hastinapur border, Bhishama was walking back and forward anxious while Devi Ganga stood in place showing close to no worry at all near the shield created by someone using Yogic power.

Bhishama wanted to break this shield but his mother stopped him for no reason. He was very concerned about what was going on in Hastinapur but now he couldn\'t enter it.

He was somehow was keeping it all together until he felt that terrifying energy after which he lost all his patients.

If not for the fact it was his own mother who was said not to break the shield he had long since done it and rushed towards the Hastinapur.

"Oh, You think this shield is weak? Why do you think so? I tell you that no one, even Deva\'s or Asura, will not break this shield. Then why do you think you can do it?"

Goddess Ganga gently, like the flow of her own current answered her anxious son. She too was anxious about Karna after the feeling of that terrible power.

But thanks to the drop of her essence being in Karna\'s body she knows he is safe, hence why she was not that worried about it.

As for why she allowed her eldest to break this shield? Does anyone need to know? She can tell just by seeing this shield that it is made by Rishi Durvasa, The sole reason why he even did not make this shield that strong.

She also felt the existence of another barrier which she also knows is from Lord Surya, The king of plants.

So knowing that even Surya Deva was there she was relaxed, As she knew that if both of these people were here nothing could happen to her youngest or the kingdom of Hastinapur.

"Mata, I don\'t care about others but I am sure I can break this shield, This looks too weak."

Bhishma, not hearing the hidden meaning in his mother\'s voice, proudly spoke to her. He actually felt quite good about the fact that he can do something that his mother said no one else could.

But hearing those words Devi Ganga frowned, She just said jokingly but now she had another concern for her eldest but for the time being she decided to keep her mum.

Things like this are not resolved by talking. Rather, we need a practical example of it, The example she already knew about and connected to, Now she just has to wait for a while.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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