I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 2 2. I Asked System As A Boon

Enons passed in the blink of an eye. Stories of war passed down from generation to generation. At the end there were thousands of variations of the story. Only a fraction of the real story remains in those variations.

Group of poems about this whole war from the beginning to end later known as Mahabhrat. This became the biggest poem to exist in the world.

Now in the 21st century those legends have become myths. The sacrifice of those warriors became nothing more than a topic to debate for people\'s. The one who is supposed to get respect becomes the target of belittlement to win an argument.

World now became black and white. If someone is wrong then the other party automatically becomes right without asking any questions. The world that used to be grey now started living in illusion of good and bad.

In this period of Kalyug, A boy named Karan just bought a book named Mrityunjay (Conquer of the death). This book tells the story from the perspective of the chariot warrior, the one whose might even gods had to recognize, the mortal son of the sun god named Suryaputra (Putra=Son, Surya =Sun God), Famously known as Karna.

Karan started reading the book and couldn\'t help but admire Karna. He felt like Niyati (Destiny) herself has a grudge against Karna. From the moment he was born his ill fate began.

He didn\'t even get a time to breathe his first breath comfortably and he got abandoned by his own mother in the raging river.

Then he was adopted by the Suta (Chariotior Cast) family. He who should be living in the castle as prince and be served by hundreds of servants becomes a mere commoner. He who was the son of the Sun god became low born. The one who should have receive respect only receives taunts and insults.

When he grows up to adulthood, fate strikes once again. He denied right of knowledge just because of his caste. Humiliating him. He searched all over the world for a Guru (Teacher) that would teach him a Suta boy but sadly anywhere he went only rejection was waiting for him. After seeing no way out he lied to Guru saying that he was Bhraman (Pristhood Cast) and got knowledge from him resulting in him getting a curse.

The reason how his teacher found out is even more sad. At noon Karna offered his guru his lap to use as pillow, When he saw he was going to stone as pillow, After his guru sleep, He seat still fearing to disturb his teachers sleep but then there come a demon in disguise of insect and dug directly in Karnas other lap.

Karna felt excruciating pain, All his instinct urging him to move and take care of that insect but did not move an inch. That demon dug so deep that he reached to his bone but not even a hum of pain came out of Karna\'s mouth. Blood flowed out of his wound and touched his guru\'s body, instantly waking him up.

When he saw the sight front of him, He terrified, his heart felt pain as if that insect dug into his thigh, He quickly reached out and kill that demon. He angrily asked Karna why he didn\'t defend himself? To which Karna answered that if he do that it will disrupt his rest.

His guru felt proud and honoured after hearing that, Karna chose to suffer the pain just because he didn\'t want to disturb his rest but then extreme anger came over him. He then realise that this much pain no Bhraman (Priesthood Cast) able bare without making any sound, He caught Karnas lie and cursed him that the knowledge he get from him through deceit will be forgotten when he need them the most and said that he should not show his face to him again.

After hearing that Karna directly fell on Guru\'s feet, Begging to be forgiven not because of curse but because he didn\'t want his father like guru to hate him. Seeing him like that, Gurus heart softened and he gifted Kanra bow named Vijaya (Victory). This way his curse will not harm Karna as anyone who holds the bow will be invincible in battle. The curse was just supposed to be a light slap on the back hand but Niyati (Destiny) played a trick again. Making this curse the reason for Karnas fall.

There are many stories like this about Karna one being more tragic than other.I think you should take a look at

Like the reason behind how he got the name Karna. Karna means peeler of the skin, He got this name after he donated his armour and earring (Kavch and Kundals) by peeling his skin and cutting his ears as armour connected to his body and was impenetrable.

Karan lost in reading these stories. He didn\'t realise when he finished reading the whole book.

" *Sigh* That\'s very sad, One brother killed the other one."

Karan closed the book and muttered. He felt that it was too unfair. Karna did all good through his life but what did he got in the end? Why does he do all the good things and still suffer?

"If I were him, I would live my life to the fullest without any care at all."

Karan said to himself and lay and bed to sleep. He was reading book from the morning and now it was late at night. So after laying on the bed he quickly fall asleep.



Karan didn\'t know that after he said those words thunder resounded in the clear sky.

(A/N: Hii I know it is taking little time to get the system but I have to tell you a little about the story before I start writing about it. Most people will not know the background.

So in the next chapter MC will get System.

Don\'t forget to vote with power stone if you have any left.

Like always thanks for reading and have a good day ���.)

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